Australian state added a fresh visa category for overseas skilled applicants

Recently, in a poll undertook by World Report & US News, Australia was ranked as one of the best country in the world for international immigrants. With a total annual intake of 200,000 immigrants, Australia always attracts skilled visa applicants across the globe.

Unlike the Skilled Independent visa Subclass 189, which permits visa holders to settle down anywhere in Australia, various Australian states and territories also comprise their own immigration programs which are linked with their specific skills gaps, under which the applicants are nominated for skilled migration.

Tasmania, an island state has initiated a new visa program for overseas applicants under which one can live and work in the state for a period of four years and also can grab a pathway to permanent residency in Australia.

Since 1 July 2017, the new visa program named, Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (Subclass 489) has been introduced to nominate the overseas applicants.

Under subclass 489, visa holders can live and work in Tasmania for a period of four years.

Applicants acquiring a state nomination from Tasmania will be awarded 10 points to the overall score required in order to qualify the point test.

After residing in Tasmania for a minimum period of two years and having a full time working experience of minimum 1 year during the stay, the visa holders become eligible to apply for permanent residency in Australia.

In order to apply for this visa, an applicant is required to nominate an occupation from Tasmania’s Skilled Occupation List and provide sufficient proof of employment opportunities in the state. Applicants can also secure a genuine offer of employment from employers.

Express Entry Draw 67 Invited 3,202 skilled workers for Canada PR Visa

Express Entry Draw 67 conducted on July 12, 2017, welcomed around 3,202 applicants who have been issued with an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for Canada Permanent Residency visa. The minimum Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score required is 440 under this recent draw. Hence, applicants whose profile has been submitted in the Express Entry pool scoring 440 or above CRS will be able to apply for Canadian permanent residency.

Canada Immigration: Express Entry

Canada Immigration works on a standard program called Express Entry which receives permanent residency applications under Federal Skilled Worker Program, Federal Skilled Trades Program, and the Canadian Experience Class.

Once the application is being accepted in the Express Entry pool of candidates, it is compared with other selected profiles and is ranked on the basis of a point system known as Comprehensive Ranking System.

Highest ranking applicants are suitable for granting invitations to apply for permanent residence.

Recent Express Entry Draws

Draw Date Number of Invitation Lowest CRS score
67 July 12 3,202 440
66 June 28 3,409 449
65 May 31 3,877 413


Express Entry is a prominent point based migration system of Canada through which, it keenly selects skilled candidates who seeks immigration to Canada, under the Federal Economic Program, according to the Canadian Labor Market Demand. Candidates, who are willing to live, work and procure permanent residency (PR) visa in Canada make their online profile and submit EOI (Expression of Interest) in the Express Entry System. Both employers of Canada and provincial government have the authority to pick the skilled individual from the Express Entry Pool of candidates.

A periodic express entry draw, which is usually launched every fortnight, is organized by IRCC (Immigration Refugee Citizenship Canada) in order to select eligible skilled worker and granting them ITA (Invitation to apply) for Canada PR visa.

Canada Immigration offers various migration and visa programs for international skilled workers, family members and students who wish to be a part of this nation. Canada can provide you not only a quality life with a successful and promising future but also a growing international career. Additional to this Canada is an extraordinary nation to be a part of. Although Canada Immigration is said to be a very tough system to pass by, it offers huge benefits for immigrants residing there. It is incorporated with top educational universities, friendly neighborhood, and internationally claimed employers.


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Express Entry Draw 66: Increasing CRS score of 449

Express Entry Draw 66: The increasing Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points needed by an applicant under Canada Express Entry  came out. On 28 june 2017, around 3,409 applicants having 449 or more CRS score achieved an ITA.

Applicants who attained an ITA are allowed to apply for Canadian permanent residency through Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Family members who are going to accompany the primary applicant such as spouse or common-law partner, dependent children are also eligible under Canada PR visa to reside in Canada.

Applicants who want to submit their application for Canada permanent residency under one of the program named, Federal Skilled Worker Class (FSWC), Federal Skilled Trades Class (FTSC), or Canadian Experience Class (CEC), should first submit their profile in the Express Entry pool of Candidate. After this each individual will be given a CRS score depending on the factors such as age, education, work experience, language capability etc. All profiles are ranked in the Express Entry pool on the basis of their CRS score, and then IRCC periodically organize Express Entry draws in order to invite the highest-ranking profiles from the pool to apply for Canada Permanent Residency.

Updated Express Entry Draw 2016 -2017: Last 2 months

Draw Date Number of Invitation Minimum CRS score
Express Entry draw 66 June 28 3,409 449
Express Entry draw 65 May 31 3,877 413
Express Entry draw 64 May 26 Federal Skilled Trades Class (FSTC): 400 Federal Skilled Trades Class (FSTC): 199
Express Entry draw 63 May 26 Provincial Nominee program (PNP): 795 Provincial Nominee program (PNP): 795

Get more information on immigration and visa programs at Make Visas

Australian Citizenship Laws undergone recent changes

Australian Citizenship Laws undergone recent changes for International Migrants!

Immigrants residing in Australia with an aspiration of becoming Australian Citizen will be required to take an independent English language test prior applying for Australian citizenship from now onwards. Due to the recent changes in the Australian citizenship Laws which took place in the parliament on Thursday, fresh applicants will be required to prove the language proficiency under various level of reading, writing, listening and speaking.

However, the level of proficiency will be decided by the immigration minister itself.

Applicants who can take exemption from this rule must be aged 60 plus or 16 below along with people having hearing, speech, sight impairments or permanent physical or mental disability.

As per the Immigration Minister Peter Dutton, “English language was essential to economic participation and social cohesion,” and due to which this new changes have been applied.

He also added that, “There is also strong public support to ensure aspiring citizens are fully able to participate in Australian life by speaking English, our national language.”

The major change took place under this recent reform is the minimum time period of permanent residency in Australia one must have to be eligible for Australian Citizenship.

This time is now changed from a time period of 1 year to 4 years, along with the new examinations and tougher character assessment.

Eligible candidates will also be required to state the incorporation into the community, by “acting in a manner compatible with Australian values”.

Additional changes include:

  • The ‘pledge of commitment’ is now renamed to the ‘pledge of allegiance’.
  • Individuals rejected by the minister for Australian citizenship on the basis other than not fulfilling the eligibility, will be banned for 2 years from Australia.
  • It is a must that the applicants should hold a good character in order to be eligible for Australian citizenship.

Mr. Dutton, further said that, “This  Immigration Minister Peter Dutton

New law will help in maintaining the strong public support for immigration and the Australian citizenship values in an increasingly challenging national security environment.”

For more updated news and to be in touch with the latest changes of immigration world, stay tuned with Make Visas.



Ontario released the Processing Times for Immigration Streams

Ontario government is now posting the estimated processing times for streams within the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP), one of Canada’s Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs).

Already, this data was not freely accessible.

The territory additionally uncovered that, as of June 19, marginally the greater part of the 6,000 assignment testaments inside the OINP portion for 2017 have been issued.

The OINP is a standout amongst the most powerful and differed of all PNPs. It contains three streams lined up with the government Express Entry movement determination framework, and in addition streams for worldwide graduates and business people.

OINP Processing Times (as of June 19, 2017)

OINP Stream Processing applications submitted and paid for between Estimated processing time
Express Entry – Human Capital Priorities March 1, 2017 and June 19, 2017 inclusive 60 to 90 days*
Express Entry – French Speaking Skilled Worker February 2, 2017 and June 19, 2017 inclusive 60 to 90 days*
Express Entry – Skilled Trades June 8, 2017 and June 19, 2017 inclusive To be posted at next update*
International Masters Graduate May 1, 2017 and May 15, 2017 inclusive 30 to 60 days*
International PhD Graduate May 3, 2017 and May 19, 2017 inclusive 30 to 60 days*
Employer Job Offer – Foreign Worker and International Student February 13, 2017 and June 16, 2017 inclusive 60 to 90 days*
Entrepreneur Applications are assessed on a case by case basis Dependent upon the complexity of the application
Corporate Applications are assessed on a case by case basis Dependent upon the complexity of the application

*Processing time estimations are a rule just, and may differ contingent upon the conditions of the document.

To take in more about your Canadian migration alternatives through the OINP, and also other Canadian movement programs, please round out a free online evaluation.

Canadian Citizenship Bill C-6 Act released for Immigrants

Bill C-6 has been released and will be bringing major amendments in the Canadian Citizenship Act. This bill has now officially converted into a law, keeping existing and upcoming immigrants to Canada on a rapid pathway to Canada Citizenship.

C-6 got parliamentary Royal Assent in Ottawa, the country’s capital, on the night of June 19, 2017.

In spite of the section of the bill into law, it ought to be noticed that not all measures would come into drive promptly. Strikingly, the adjustment in the residency days necessity — from four out of six years, to three out of five — has not yet become effective, however the administration anticipates actualizing this new measure in the fall.

The following is a framework of the progressions expected with the new Citizenship Act, and the periods these progressions are relied upon to become effective. The latest changes to the demonstration bear the cost of numerous foreigners to Canada and their friends and family more good citizenship qualification prerequisites, in arrangement with the vision of a more comprehensive naturalization prepare that advantages newcomers and the Canadian economy alike.

Prompt changes as of June 19, 2017

• Dual natives living in Canada who are sentenced treachery, spying or fear based oppression offenses will confront the Canadian equity framework, as other Canadian subjects who infringe upon the law. Beforehand, the administration held the privilege to renounce such people’s citizenship.

• Applicants who may need to work or live outside of Canada for work or individual reasons are at no time in the future required to exhibit a formal goal to keep on living in Canada once allowed citizenship.

• Minors (matured under 18 years) would now be able to apply for citizenship without a Canadian parent, as the age necessity for citizenship has been evacuated.

• Individuals serving a contingent sentence won’t be allowed citizenship or have the capacity to check this time towards meeting the physical nearness prerequisites for citizenship.

• Statelessness is currently viewed as a remain solitary ground for an optional give of citizenship.

• It is presently a necessity to mull over sensible measures to suit the requirements of a crippled individual applying for citizenship.

• All candidates are required to stay qualified all through the procedure, from the minute they apply, up to and including the minute they guarantee of Citizenship.

Anticipated that progressions would produce results in Fall/Autumn 2017

• Applicants must be physically present in Canada for three out of five years (1,095 days), as opposed to the past four out of six years, before applying for citizenship.

• In arrangement to the new physical nearness necessity, candidates must record Canadian wage charges, if required to do as such under the Income Tax Act, for three out of five years, as opposed to past four out of six years.

• Applicants never again must be physically present in Canada for 183 days in four out of six years before applying while considering residency years going before a citizenship application.

• Time spent in Canada as a brief inhabitant, for example, on a work or study allow or as an ensured individual, before turning into a perpetual occupant would now be able to check a part of this time towards the physical nearness prerequisite for citizenship, up to a greatest credit of 365 days where every day considers 0.5 days.

• Applicants in the vicinity of 18 and 54 years — as opposed to the past 14 and 64 years — must meet the dialect and learning necessities for citizenship.

Anticipated that progressions would produce results mid 2018

• The Federal Court — unless generally asked for — is the chief in all disavowal cases, including grounds of false portrayal, extortion, or intentionally covering material conditions, which were beforehand settled on by the Minister.

• There is presently certain approval for Citizenship Officers to seize false or suspected fake archives.

A significant number of the revised changes display in Bill C-6 are planned to upgrade the citizenship procedure and renounce arrangements that advanced saw unequal treatment of a few nationals in specific cases.

Canada Global Talent Stream launched offering work permit within 2 weeks

A fresh pilot program has been launched by Canada, offering 2 weeks of visa processing time for work permit for highly skilled workers. The Global Talent Stream (GTS) is a section of the Canada’s Global Skills Strategy, which is an initiative taken to ease the process of hiring skilled international workers, encourages Canada’s economic growth and job creation. It is also a section of Canada Temporary Foreign Worker Program.

This 2 week visa processing program is also applicable on open work permits for spouses/common-law partners, and study permits for dependants.

The Global Talent Stream is further divided into 2 categories. Category A includes Canadian companies with higher growth and referred by an authorized referral partner. Category B permits employers to hire international skilled workers holding special talent under any of the 10 occupations of the National Occupational Code (NOC).

Below is the Global Talent occupations list. (List may get modified periodically)

NOC code Occupation Min. hourly rate Min. annual salary
0213 Computer and information systems managers N/A N/A
2147 Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers) N/A N/A
2171 Information systems analysts and consultants N/A N/A
2172 Database analysts and data administrators N/A N/A
2173 Software engineers and designers N/A N/A
2174 Computer programmers and interactive media developers N/A N/A
2175 Web designers and developers N/A N/A
2241 Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians $38.94 $81,000
2283 Information systems testing technicians $37.50 $78,000
5241 Digital Media and Design (positions requiring a minimum of five years’ industry experience and specific skills only) $38.46 $80,000


Employers wishing to recruit international skilled workers via Global Talent Stream must fulfill the requirements of Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) in order to achieve the Labour Market Benefits Plan.
Fill our quick and free visa assessment form to see under which program you are eligible under Canada Immigration with Make Visas

Express Entry Draw 65: Lowest CRS score 413 came out as a surprise

Express Entry Draw 65: The lowest ever Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points needed by an applicant under Canada Express Entry  came out. On 31 May 2017, around 3,877 applicants having 413 or more CRS score achieved an ITA.

Applicants who attained an ITA are allowed to apply for Canadian permanent residency through Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Family members who are going to accompany the primary applicant such as spouse or common-law partner, dependent children are also eligible under Canada PR visa to reside in Canada.

Applicants who want to submit their application for Canada permanent residency under one of the program named, Federal Skilled Worker Class (FSWC), Federal Skilled Trades Class (FTSC), or Canadian Experience Class (CEC), should first submit their profile in the Express Entry pool of Candidate. After this each individual will be given a CRS score depending on the factors such as age, education, work experience, language capability etc. All profiles are ranked in the Express Entry pool on the basis of their CRS score, and then IRCC periodically organize Express Entry draws in order to invite the highest-ranking profiles from the pool to apply for Canada Permanent Residency.

Updated Express Entry Draw 2016 -2017: Last 2 months

Draw Date Number of Invitation Minimum CRS score
Express Entry draw 65 May 31 3,877 413
Express Entry draw 64 May 26 Federal Skilled Trades Class (FSTC): 400 Federal Skilled Trades Class (FSTC): 199
Express Entry draw 63 May 26 Provincial Nominee program (PNP): 795 Provincial Nominee program (PNP): 795
Express Entry draw 62 May 17  3,687 415
Express Entry draw 61 May 4  3,796 423
Express Entry draw 60 April 19 3,665 415

Get more information on immigration and visa programs at Make Visas.

Upcoming Australia General Skilled Migration Changes – July 2017

From the date of 1st July 2017 Australia General Skilled Migration changes will be implied, such as:

  • Under Skilled Independent visa Subclass 189 the maximum age requirement will be changed from 49 to 44
  • A new Australian permanent residency pathway for New Zealand citizens will be released
  • Australian skilled occupations lists will be most probably reviewed
  • Occupational ceilings will be declared
  • Reopening of State Migration Plans will be done

Age Limit changes under Skilled Independent visa subclass 189

The current maximum age under Skilled Independent visa subclass 189 is 49. It will be changed to 44, effective from 1 July 2017.

Following visa programs will remain unaffected by this reform:

As per the Department of Immigration’s research and survey conducted, it has been seen that only 1% of applicants under Skilled Independent visa Subclass 189 is ranging from 45 to 49 currently. Which is why the age criteria of 49 has been replaced with 44.

New Zealand Citizen Pathway for Australia Permanent Residency

New Australian permanent residency pathway for New Zealand citizens who have resided and hold an employment experience in Australia for a minimum time period of 5 years will be released on 1 July 2017.

This new pathway will be applied as a distinct stream under Skilled Independent visa Subclass 189. The eligibility criteria for New Zealand citizen stream will be comparatively easier to fulfill than the subclass 189 visa itself due to following reasons:

  • English language examination, skills assessment, point test assessment, or employer sponsorship are not required.
  • No age limitation
  • Moderate financial income and exemptions offered
  • Health waiver offered
  • Little initial application fee

The Australian government authorities have analyzed that around 60 – 70,000 New Zealand residents can apply under the new pathway. Due to this there will be fewer applicants under the point assessment stream. This can also affect the skilled migration occupational ceilings, and lead to higher point requirement in order to grab an invitation under SkillSelect.

Review of Australian Skilled Occupations Lists

Australia occupations list under General Skilled Migration, MLTSSL and STSOL may get renewed from 1 July 2017.

There are multiple occupations, majorly available under the engineering category, which is present in the MLTSSL but not in the STSOL. This is not fair and which is why the lists are expected to be reviewed.

List of “Flagged Occupations” are kept and managed by the Department of Education. This list could also be abolished.

Fill our quick and free visa assessment form to see under which program you are eligible under Canada Immigration with Make Visas

Express Entry Draw 63 & 64: Trades and Provincial Candidates chosen for Canada PR Visa

Express Entry Draw 63 & 64: The latest Express Entry draw came out with 543 invitations under Canada permanent residency. For the first time in the history of the Express Entry program, 2 distinct categories of applicants were separated for achieving Invitations to Apply (ITAs). Moreover, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) placed 2 distinct minimum Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score. 400 applicants were selected under the Federal Skilled Trades program (FSTP) with CRS 199, and 143 applicants under provincial nominee program with a CRS 795. These invited applicants will now submit their application for Canada permanent residency visa.

Applicants who attained an ITA are allowed to apply for Canadian permanent residency through Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Family members who are going to accompany the primary applicant such as spouse or common-law partner, dependent children are also eligible under Canada PR visa to reside in Canada.

Applicants who want to submit their application for Canada permanent residency under one of the program named, Federal Skilled Worker Class (FSWC), Federal Skilled Trades Class (FTSC), or Canadian Experience Class (CEC), should first submit their profile in the Express Entry pool of Candidate. After this each individual will be given a CRS score depending on the factors such as age, education, work experience, language capability etc. All profiles are ranked in the Express Entry pool on the basis of their CRS score, and then IRCC periodically organize Express Entry draws in order to invite the highest-ranking profiles from the pool to apply for Canada Permanent Residency.

Updated Express Entry Draw 63 & 64 and Last 2 months Draws

Draw Date Number of Invitation Minimum CRS score
Express Entry draw 64 May 26 Federal Skilled Trades Class (FSTC): 400 Federal Skilled Trades Class (FSTC): 199
Express Entry draw 63 May 26 Provincial Nominee program (PNP): 795 Provincial Nominee program (PNP): 795
Express Entry draw 62 May 17  3,687 415
Express Entry draw 61 May 4  3,796 423
Express Entry draw 60 April 19 3,665 415

Get more information on immigration and visa programs at Make Visas.